Are you prepared for the octokiddos mint? 15 and 22 April – mark your calendars now!!

Are you prepared for the octokiddos mint? 15 and 22 April – mark your calendars now!!

In the heart of the digital ocean thrives a unique and vibrant world, one that pulses with the neon glow of nostalgia and the electric thrill of adventure. This is the world of Octo Kiddos, a place where the spirit of childhood roams free and the echoes of the rad 80s and 90s resonate through the water. Born from the creative minds at OctoPeeps, this collection of 8,888 NFTs brings to life an extraordinary squad of octopus kids, each embodying the quintessence of a bygone era with a splash of modern flair.

Imagine diving into this world, where every corner of the coral reef buzzes with energy and color. Here, the Octo Kiddos reign supreme, their eight arms embracing all the quirks and fun of the times that many have forgotten. From the outer reaches of space, where the Astronaut Kiddo charts unknown galaxies, to the underground clubs where the DJ Kiddo drops beats that make the anemones dance, this is a place of endless possibilities.

But these Octo Kiddos are more than just a nostalgic trip down memory lane. They are a call to adventure, a reminder of the days when imagination was the key to unlocking worlds of wonder. With them, you can sip on a pixelated cup of coffee, munch on virtual hotdogs, or even lose hours playing with a digital Tamagotchi, all from the comfort of your own screen.

Each Octo Kiddo is a token of creativity, a unique piece of art that invites you to join in the fun and become part of their story. Whether you’re drawn to the serene vibes of the Meditation Guru Kiddo, sitting peacefully in his zen garden, or you’re ready to headbang with the Metal Kiddo to some heavy tunes, there’s a place for you in this community.

This isn’t just about collecting digital assets. It’s about reigniting the flames of childhood wonder and embracing the joy of the unexpected. It’s a chance to make new memories while basking in the warm glow of the past. The Octo Kiddos are not just NFTs; they are companions on a journey of rediscovery, each one holding the key to a chest of treasures that the world has almost forgotten.

So, why wait? Dive into the vibrant, ever-expanding universe of the Octo Kiddos and let your spirit of adventure soar. Mint a few kiddos and become a part of this extraordinary squad, where every day is an opportunity to relive the best parts of your childhood with a twist. Embrace the call of the Octo Kiddos, and let’s make the digital ocean a little brighter, one quirky, fun-loving octopus at a time.

Mumzel in the Octokiddo’s mint

Did you know that among all Octokiddos, there is also an Octokiddo with a Mumzel? This Mumzel was not created by the Mumzels themselves, but by the Octokiddos artist! She has drawn a beautiful Mumzel that can be found among all Octokiddos. Are you the lucky one who finds the Mumzel as a prop among all the Octokiddos?

Other Projects in the octokiddos mint are:

Shibu society

Mint Date And Costs

The Whitelist mint for all Octopeeps holders & friends is happening on April 15th, and you can mint for 12 Matic. The Public mint for everyone is on April 22nd, where you can mint for 16 Matic. On these special days, there will also be a Twitter Space event to celebrate the Octopeeps kiddos and the exciting Mint event! 🎉

Links for the Mint & Info

MeMe contest!

Do you think you master the art of meme creation? Show your creativity and win big prizes with the OctoKiddos MEME contest! Here’s the Tweet to participate!

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